Audio is powerful
Audio is Powerful
Message Heard brings you, Audio is Powerful, a six-part ‘bite-size’ series that looks at demonstrating the effectiveness of utilising audio in your brands messaging, and the ability it gives you to connect on a deeper level with your audience.
Through this series we delve into multiple topics ranging from editing to production all the way to the effectiveness of audio as a marketing medium. Each one is only about a minute long, so even if you listen to all of them, in less than 10 minutes you'll understand how audio can help you tell your story.
Here we want to show, not tell, so grab your headphones and discover the power of audio.
Catch up on the full series below…
Episode One - Fake it while you make it
Episode Two - Walk with me: audio’s unique reach
Episode Three - Whisper it: audio is intimate
Episode Four - A spoonful of sugar
Episode Five: The power of editing
Episode Six - Accessible, affordable & powerful
Ready to take your brand's storytelling to new heights? Discover the power of audio with Message Heard.
06. Accessible, affordable & powerful
06. Accessible, affordable & powerful
Message Heard brings you, Audio is Powerful, a six-part ‘bite-size’ series that looks at demonstrating the effectiveness of utilising audio in your brands messaging, and the ability it gives you to connect on a deeper level with your audience.
In part six, we demonstrate the low barriers of entry into the world of podcasting. How accessible, yet powerful, audio creation is… bold for an audio company right…?
We love how accessible getting into the audio space is, so much we want to show you how! Yet elevating it to the next level, that’s where a producer and engineer comes into place. The right kit, the right engineering and the right expertise all mean your message has the right impact.
Audio is accessible, audio is affordable, audio is powerful. We’re Message Heard, and we make podcasts with purpose.
Ready to take your brand's storytelling to new heights? Discover the power of sound with Message Heard.
I’m recording this on my phone. And sure, we’ve applied some effects to make my voice sound better, but let’s turn those off [fx] and here’s the unedited audio straight from my phone. It’s fine, right, and if I wanted to, in less than five minutes, I could have this published as a podcast. It would have cost me nothing but time.
You might think that’s a bold thing for a podcast production agency to point out, when we exist to make intentional, strategically-aligned and broadcast-quality podcasts, but we love how accessible, how competitive audio is, and honestly, while this sounds fine [fx] I sound so much better when we do this right. The right kit, the right engineering and the right expertise all mean my message has the right impact.
Audio is accessible, audio is affordable, audio is powerful. We’re Message Heard, and we make podcasts with purpose.
03. Whisper it: audio is intimate
03. Whisper it: audio is intimate
Message Heard brings you, Audio is Powerful, a six-part ‘bite-size’ series that looks at demonstrating the effectiveness of utilising audio in your brands messaging, and the ability it gives you to connect on a deeper level with your audience.
In this 3rd Episode, we take you through the unique intimacy podcasting brings as a medium, illustrating how it creates a deeply personal connection by speaking directly into the listener's ears. Exploring the immersive nature of audio, where voices seem to originate from within the listener's own mind, and showcases the medium's creative potential through playful stereo effects.
“Great audio creates a deep, personal connection.
There’s no picture you can paint that’s as vivid as the one that’s in the mind of your listener.”
Ready to take your brand's storytelling to new heights? Discover the power of sound with Message Heard.
Audio is intimate. I’m being quite literal when I say that there is no way to get closer to someone than with audio. If you’re listening to my voice on headphones, as most podcast listeners do, try to locate my voice in 3D space around you… and you’ll fail. Because my voice isn’t coming from around you. It’s coming from the very centre of your skull. See? Isn’t that wild? That’s what I mean when I say audio is an intimate medium that brings you closer to your audience than anything else; who else gets to whisper in your ear like this? And that’s not all we can do with audio. I can catch your attention over here [fx] or I can even have a conversation with myself in stereo space, can’t I, Chris? Yes, Chris, you can. Wow, Chris, that’s so cool! I know, Chris! Audio is fun, audio is intimate, audio is powerful. We’re Message Heard, and we make podcasts with purpose.
02. Walk with me: audio's unique reach
02. Walk with me: audio’s unique reach
Message Heard brings you, Audio is Powerful, a six-part ‘bite-size’ series that looks at demonstrating the effectiveness of utilising audio in your brands messaging, and the ability it gives you to connect on a deeper level with your audience.
In the 2nd Episode, Walk with me: audio’s unique reach, delves into the unique impact of audio, how it’s one of the only types of media that can, and is, consumed whilst doing something else. Allowing brands to share their stories and become closer with their listeners in all different facets of life, from commuting to gardening.
“Treat your audience – your customers – with respect,
give them a show they love,
and they’ll give you their attention in parts of their day
that no other medium can reach.”
Ready to take your brand's storytelling to new heights? Discover the power of sound with Message Heard.
Vision is most people’s primary sense. That gives stuff that we watch or read a special power, but it also means that if I’m watching a movie or just thumbing through TikTok, because I’m using my primary sense, I’m locked into just doing that activity.
With audio, though, you can listen while you do something else, and so we get to reach people with audio in places that no other medium can.
Nobody’s gonna read a white paper while they’re doing the dishes. Nobody’s gonna watch your YouTube video while they’re driving to work – I hope. But I can talk to you while you’re weeding, knitting, working out, walking the dog. And actually, a BBC study showed an 18% boost in engagement, a 22% boost in recall, and 40% boost in emotional intensity with audio people listened to while they were active. Not bad, huh? *woof* The dog agrees!
Audio is accessible, audio is there in the background, audio is powerful. We’re Message Heard, and we make podcasts with purpose.
01. Fake it while you make it
01. Fake it while you make it
Message Heard brings you, Audio is Powerful, a six-part ‘bite-size’ series that looks at demonstrating the effectiveness of utilising audio in your brands messaging, and the ability it gives you to connect on a deeper level with your audience.
Episode One, Fake it while you make it, shows you how diverse audio content can be, allowing you to export your listeners in creative and imaginative ways whilst bringing your narrative to life.
“Crafting our podcasts demands meticulous attention to sound quality and imaginative creativity.
My job is to maintain that focus,
ensuring our speakers sound crisp and professional
(even when the odds are against us),
while bringing our shows to life with creative sound design and original music scores...
...even for one minute clips like this!”
Ready to take your brand's storytelling to new heights? Discover the power of sound with Message Heard.
You join me at the top of Everest in Nepal! The air is thin which makes breathing difficult, and it’s minus seventy degrees celsius!
Happily, the temperature in my favourite bar in New York is a little more my speed, and the only thing that’s chilled here – “Your martini, sir” – ah, thank you – is my drink.
Actually, I haven’t travelled a single centimetre from my desk in Scotland. That was all fake; listen, this is what I actually recorded: “You join me at the top of Everest in Nepal.”
No you didn’t. But that’s part of the joy of audio; you can take a listener on a journey with you, literally, and it’s much simpler and cheaper to apply some effects to audio to build your world than it is to actually send a film crew to a basketball match.
Audio is tricksy, audio is malleable, audio is powerful. We’re Message Heard, and we make podcasts with purpose.