Educational Podcasts: The perfect teaching tool
Educational Podcasts: The perfect teaching tool
Podcasts are already a popular tool for self improvement. Tap into this appetite by creating engaging, evergreen and accessible audio content.
Podcasts are already a popular tool for self improvement. Tap into this appetite by creating engaging, evergreen and accessible audio content.
Podcast production is a brilliant tool for education companies who want to find more engaging, evergreen, accessible ways to cater to meet the needs of their students.
With the pandemic changing how schools and universities operate, remote learning and educational technology have become more important than ever and setting up a podcast is great for reaching students where they are. They’re also informative, engaging and accessible – the perfect mix for learning. Let’s break it down.
1. Podcasts are informative
People are hungry for podcasts that teach them new things about history, science, language, and so much more.
Teachers are already using existing podcasts as classroom resources. They’re listening to them in lessons or recording their lectures to help students catch up. So why not make the most of this trend and create your own educational podcast?
We know how much audiences appreciate informative podcasts because we’ve made some ourselves.
One listener to our podcast about the Middle East, Conflicted, thanked us, saying, “I've really gained a lot of new insights.”
And the podcast we made with Remembering Srebrenica was the perfect way for this charity to educate people about a little-known genocide in Bosnia.
“Education is a pivotal part of our work at Remembering Srebrenica, so we wanted the podcast to be an educational resource as well as interesting for listeners.”
Kate Williams, Education Manager, Remembering Srebrenica
2. Podcasts are engaging
So many people give their full attention to their favourite podcast series in a way that teachers dream of. An amazing series can have people binging episodes, just like a good TV show.
Why is that? Well, podcasts use dialogue, music and storytelling to captivate audiences. The same people who might be drifting off after three minutes of reading could be hooked on a podcast for an hour or more.
It’s also because the experience of listening to a podcast is participatory and intimate. You feel connected to the host, you start conversations with fellow listeners, and you create a community together.
3. An alternative to video
Podcasts hold attention for longer than video because they stimulate the imagination – the student’s mind is free to visualise and fill in the gaps.
Sitting down to watch an educational video can be unappealing for those who’ve been at work or school all day, staring at a screen. Plugging in your headphones and turning away from the computer is much more enticing after a long day.
Podcasts are also easier to fit into a busy schedule than videos or reading. They allow you to multitask by listening on the commute, at the gym, or while doing the dishes.
Not only is this a time-saver but while the student is distracted by a routine activity, the information is more likely to sink in.
4. Podcasts are accessible
Podcasts are a flexible resource which allows the student to participate at any time, in any place.
Most people already have an easy-to-use podcast app on their phone. This means the educator can push out new episodes and as long as the student has subscribed, the material will arrive in their hand with no extra effort.
Adding auditory resources like podcasts to your educational mix also opens up the world of learning for so many people who may otherwise be excluded. It gives more options to students with learning difficulties or visual impairments or those who are studying a new language.
They can pause, rewind, and repeat small sections or even entire episodes. In other words, every learner can go at their own pace.
Create your own!
For the student, listening to a podcast feels intimate and personalised – it seems as if the host is speaking directly to them. In reality, the same show could be heard by thousands, if not millions, of people.
So podcasting gives education companies the valuable possibility of reaching a vast audience where each individual feels personally catered for.
Educational podcasts are already out there and popular with listeners. Creating your own means you can tailor the information and the style to suit your students.
Want to learn more? At Message Heard, we make podcasts that help your brand reach new audiences. Find out how we can help you by getting in touch.